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Born and raised in a small town within Con­necti­cut, I have lived my life through an optimist’s mind­set, which has brought me into many excit­ing adven­tures from child­hood to now. I have trav­elled the world, and lived a Jet­set­ter lifestyle much like my main char­ac­ter Alle­gra Toscana. My life has been full of pit­falls and tri­umphs, which have pro­duced many fruit­ful mem­o­ries. I live life with­out regrets and will always be a risk taker and my style of writ­ing as you will see pushes the enve­lope but what’s life with­out a lit­tle edginess.
Over the last three years, I have writ­ten my tril­ogy while main­tain­ing a cor­po­rate job which busi­ness exec­u­tive and every­day cre­ative can appre­ci­ate. I live a dou­ble life and am doing what­ever it takes to get my books out to the masses.

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